OTHER INITIATIVES > Lisbon in Motion (LiMo)

The Lisbon in Motion (LiMo) is a 4-day innovative case-study programme focused on earthquake risk reduction. Young researchers from different countries and different areas of earth science, engineering, social and economic science collaborate in a Lisbon case-study to create and promote an action plan for earthquake risk reduction (key mitigation activities are: maintenance, rehabilitation, retrofit, education and urban plan) to the future of Lisbon downtown.
As an example of what can be done, participants with a background in RC and masonry structures could provide guidelines for the vulnerability assessment of those structures and discuss solutions for retrofitting in case of great vulnerability. The development of specific enquiry forms is welcome.
Participants with a background in geology and seismology should define zones of higher susceptibility to site amplification, landslides, etc. Participants with a background in architecture should look into the structural layout and,in connection with the other groups,propose solutions which cope with new standards of living (larger spaces, energy efficiency, acoustic specifications etc.).
The LiMo project aims at bringing all the above expertise together in order to enhance the integrated solutions to mitigate the earthquake problem.
We want the outcome of LiMo to be a useful document for the city council of Lisbon and Civil Protection.
The workshop will be held from 20 to 23 September.
If you are interested in participating in Lisbon in Motion (20-23 September) please communicate your interest by sending an email to secretariat@15wcee.org.
Participation will be free for any participant who attend the conference, although pre-registration is required at the time of Conference registration to secure your place.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
For more info please click here. |