WELCOME > 15WCEE, a Green Meeting
Green Meetings - Good for the Earth & Good for Business
To continue to enjoy the quality of life we treasure we all need to work and live in a more sustainable manner. For this meeting this involves making a concerted effort to reduce our use of resources and the amount of waste that results from the meeting activities.
The Organisers are inviting delegates to attend a meeting focused on sustainability.
- To drive the sustainable focus, the Organisers have approached all conference aspects with resource-consumption awareness. Meetings geared toward sustainability have three main goals: they are good for business; good for the Earth; and benefit host communities.
You will see these principals incorporated throughout the conference including:
- Badges will be recycled after the conference
- Printed promotional materials such as post cards and brochures have been dramatically reduced in size/length and printed on recycled paper with more information posted online
- Where possible, locally grown organic foods will be used at event functions
- Earth-friendly promotional products will be distributed at the conference
- The conference programme will be printed on the first few pages of the padfolio delegates receive at registration, resulting in one less printed brochure
- Water will be served in jugs and not plastic bottles whenever possible
- Donation of un-served food to soup kitchens, homeless shelters or other community service organizations. All left over materials (such
as bags, padfolios etc.) will be donated to a local primary school.
- Collection and distribution of leftover exhibit materials to charitable organizations.
- Providing un-used office supplies and equipment to local schools or charitable organizations.
- Setting aside free exhibit space for local non-profit organizations.